Delivery charges are calculated at the online check out and are based on delivery to your address from our French hub at Saint-Brieuc, in the Côtes-d'Armor, Brittany.

The item availability shown on the product pages is a live up to date feed of the items that we hold in the UK warehouse of our British company in Devon, England, a ferry crossing away from our hub in France. Note that you are not charged for the carriage from England. 

When an order is placed, the item in our UK warehouse is immediately allocated to your order.  Imports to France take place throughout the year. The frequency varies depending on seasonal demand. The date of the next import is displayed clearly at the top of every page on the website. The anticipated date of delivery is also shown at the time you pay for your items. 

When the goods arrive in the Côtes-d'Armor, customers are then contacted by our logistics provider Geodis to arrange a date for delivery to your home.  Delivery times from the Geodis hub to addresses in France are between 1 and 4 days. 

Note that Geodis provide a kerbside delivery service.